Overview of Electronic Data Access (EDA) Government Access

EDA Access

You must be an authorized user to access EDA.

Access Control ensures personnel utilizing the EDA application can only access documents they are authorized to see.

Government Employee users (Employed by the U.S. Government) can be authorized to see one or many document types, but it depends upon their organizational role and their need to know. The Electronic Data Access Point of Contact (EDA POC) for the government validates, authorizes and approves access.

Government Support Contractor users (Contracted by the U.S. Government to perform a function/task within the U.S. Government) can be authorized to see one or many document types. Access is limited to specific DODAAC(s) or specific contract number(s). The Government EDA POC validates, authorizes and approves access.

Identification and Authentication ensures only authorized personnel gain access to the application and the underlying data. EDA offers two types of Identification and Authentication methods. The user may choose either option during the registration process.

Government Users can register for the following types of Access to EDA:

Government Transportation Requests (GTRs):Government Transportation Requests (GTRs) are documents used to procure all passenger transportation services on behalf of the United States, except when the use of cash, or other substitute document, i.e., Government issued charge card, Government Travel Account (GTA), or travel warrant has been specifically authorized by the Administrator or General Services (or their designee).

Note:Government Transportation Requests may contain information subject to the Privacy Act of 1974 as Amended.

GTRs are associated with two types of documents:

1. GTR document.

2. GTR Voucher document.

Vouchers - All:Vouchers are documents which support payments made by the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) . They are used for posting payments in Accounting Systems and for reconciliation and research.

All vouchers are stored in the DFAS CEDMS System. The voucher links within EDA redirect the user to CEDMS.

Queries CEDMS for all voucher types and presents results in a combined view. Without the Vouchers All role, the individual types only will be returned.

Who is granted this role: Finance and Contract personnel. Based on "Need to Know"

Note:The CEDMS system has been CAC enabled, no vouchers will be viewable without a CAC.

Note:Access can be granted to all Government Employees and Government Support Contractors with a legitimate "need to know" by their EDA POC.

Vouchers - Accounting:Allows the user to query intergovernmental payments, collection vouchers, no check drawn vouchers, and Cash Reconciliation System (CRS) vouchers.

Note:Access is restricted to Government Employees and Government Support Contractors.

Vouchers - Travel:Provides access to Travel Vouchers. These are travel payments already made by DFAS. Travel vouchers are used primarily for reconciliation and research.

Note:This link is NOT intended for personal use in viewing personal travel vouchers. Personal travel vouchers are viewed via "MyPay".

Note:Access is restricted to Government Employees and Government Support Contractors.

Vouchers - Military Pay:Allows users to query DFAS Military Pay Vouchers.

DFAS Military Pay vouchers are "exception" payments that are not processed through the regular military pay system. Exception payments include casual payments, partial payments, advance payments, and miscellaneous payments that are paid outside the normal pay system. These vouchers are intended to be viewed by finance and accounting offices, not the individual payee. Individual payees are provided with hard copy documentation to support these payments.

Note:Access is restricted to Government Employees and Government Support Contractors.

Vouchers - Commercial Pay:Allows the user to query payments made to Vendors and Contractors.

Note:Access is restricted to Government Employees and Government Support Contractors.

Freight GBLs:Government Bill of Lading (GBL) is the supporting documentation for payment of transportation bills for all services and are created whenever DoD moves a person or piece of equipment. A GBL records data pertaining to a particular move and is used to input data like weight load, distance moved, etc.

Personal Property and Freight GBLs are accessed separately within EDA but the queries are identical.

Personal Property GBLs:Government Bill of Lading (GBL) is the supporting documentation for payment of transportation bills for all services and are created whenever DoD moves a person or piece of equipment. A GBL records data pertaining to a particular move and is used to input data like weight load, distance moved, etc.

Personal Property and Freight GBLs are accessed separately within EDA but the queries are identical.

Note:Personal Property GBLs may contain information subject to the Privacy Act of 1974 as Amended.

Non-Automated GBLs:Non-Automated Government Bills of Lading (GBLs) are multi-use documents that are essential to conducting day-to-day Government operations when transportation of supplies, materials, and personal property is required. These documents are the primary documents used to procure freight and express transportation and related services from commercial carriers, including freight forwarders.

Note:Non-Automated GBLs may contain information subject to the Privacy Act of 1974 as Amended.

Electronic 110s:The Electronic 110 Report is available for use by accounting stations. Information has been pulled from the voucher and other Mechanization Of Contract Admin Services (MOCAS) files and should eliminate the need to review the voucher in many cases. However, the vouchers are available in EDA, if needed. Users can either download a group of records or research a single voucher.

Signature Cards (DD577):Signature Cards have been loaded by DFAS Indianapolis. These cards are used to verify the accuracy of signatures for individuals who perform specific functions. The application is not intended for general use.

Note:Signature Cards may contain information subject to the Privacy Act of 1974 as Amended.



Contracts:The Electronic Data Access (EDA) Contracts area provides access to multiple types of acquisition documents including Purchase Orders, Contract Specifications, Delivery Orders, and other documents that support verification and validation of actions that obligate the Government to expend funds.

Authorized Government users can access all contract files that are indexed in EDA. Authorized support contractor access is controlled by DoDAAC(s) and/or specific contract numbers. Vendor users access is controlled by the D-U-N-S and/or CAGE codes. The D-U-N-S identifier is unique to a specific company, or location of a company, and is generated when requested from Dunn & Bradstreet. The Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) creates a unique CAGE identifier when a contract is initiated between the Government and a Company.

Within the Contracts query results, users have the ability to access the Portable Document Format (PDF) and/or Procurement Data Standard (PDS) versions of the contract, Attachments/Admin Documents associated with a particular contract and Contract Close data. If PDS data exists for the contract, a PDS or PDSEVAL link will be displayed next to the contract link in the contract number column returned in the result set. When clicked a PDS version of the contract will be displayed. If attachments and/or admin documents exist for a contract, the attachment and/or admin document column returned in the result set will have a View(#) hyperlink displayed. By clicking the link, EDA will present the user with the attachments or admin documents available for that particular contract.

EDA offers authorized users Manual Contract Upload and Contract Maintenance capabilities. Contact your EDA POC for role granting assistance. In addition, users have the capability to display recently modified/viewed contracts from the Recent Contract Document drop-down list on the Contract Search Options screen. All contracts recently viewed, manually uploaded, inactivated, replaced, or whose index has been modified by the user will be listed for display.

Note:EDA does not support the inactivation/replacement of PDS data.

Contract Pay Documents (EDM Documents - View Only):

Vendor Pay Documents (EDM Documents - View Only):

Government Users can also register for the following EDA Special Roles:

EDA uses "Roles" to control access and provide additional capabilities. The EDA POC has accountability and the responsibility to grant special roles to his/her user community. "Special" capabilities/roles are offered to authorized users.

EDA POCs may grant (toggle-on/check) special roles for authorized individuals within their organization based on job functions and "Need to Know". ("Need to Know" is the principle by which users are only granted access to the information, assets, and resources necessary to perform their assigned job functions.)

Special roles are not available in the EDA Registration process, these roles require an additional justification to grant. Not everyone should be granted these roles. "Need to Know" and job function should be considered in offering/granting special roles.

Note:ALL special roles are required to be authorized and granted by the EDA POC.

EDA PMO:A new user from the EDA PMO office that assigns special roles to users that were previously assigned through a database script.

User Administrator:This is a special role given to a select few in the EDA HELPDESK and in the PMO.

The User Administrator is responsible for all of the EDA community; can see the EDA UNIVERSE; can create, modify, delete CSAs; can assign EDA Executive POCs, EDA POCs, CDR POCs; Add roles as necessary; Add, move, delete EDA accounts throughout EDA; can move users from one CSA to another throughout EDA; can see all queues (all registrations, password request, etc.).

Executive:A C/S/A EDA Executive is an individual representing a Command, Service, or Agency (C/S/A). The EDA Program Management Office (PMO) facilitates the establishment of these individuals.

Executives are Responsible for:

Their C/S/A's User Authorization Structure for community:

- Initial structure determined and communicated to EDA PMO.

- Request changes through the EDA PMO.

- The Assignment of EDA POCs to specific communities within their C/S/A.

Their C/S/A's CDR Structure (if applicable):

- Identify/Maintain CDR capable Organizations/Offices/Entities that support the DoD CDR Process through the EDA PMO.

- Identify/Maintain DoDAACs for each CDR Organization/Office/Entity (add, change, remove, consolidate) - as required.

- Identify/Maintain Management Level and individuals to administer CDRs (EDA POC can also assign).

- Assign/Maintain Primary and Alternate CDR POCs (EDA POC can also assign).

The Liaison between C/S/A units and EDA POCs:

- Direct EDA POCs to register in EDA.

- Approve EDA POC registrations.

- Assign EDA POCs to C/S/A Activities/Systems/Organizations.

Distribute EDA POC training material.

Assist as required (Registration, forms etc.).

Inform User/EDA POC/Executive Community of EDA Activities.

Point of Contact for the EDA PMO and the EDA Help Desk.

EDM Help Desk:Role is restricted to the EDM/EFR Help Desk Personnel.

To obtain the role, the user must be verified by DFAS management and applicants must complete/read and submit a signed SAAR using the DD form 2875 and a Rules of Behavior (ROB)/ Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) signature page to the EDA Help Desk.

Site Certification: The Site Certification Maintenance function is restricted to authorized DFAS Users who are appointed by the DFAS Executive. Users with the Site Certification Maintenance Role have the ability to add, query and modify Site Certification information. The site certification information captured and maintained includes: Site Name, DoDAAC, Command, Service, or Agency (C/S/A), Status, Effective dates, Certification period(s), and Contract Writing System.

EDA POC:An Electronic Data Access Point of Contact (EDA POC) is an individual responsible for a Command/Service/Agency Organization or Company who confirms and administers user affiliation for doing business with the Department of Defense (DoD). EDA POCs are required to conduct Electronic Commerce (EC) with the DoD.

EDA POCs must adhere to DoD security policies, EDA Business Rules and processes.

EDA POCs may be Financial Managers, Contract Officers, TASO/ISSO, Major Command Officers, Project Managers, Company Representatives, to name a few, and others. These individuals are accountable for authorizing system access for other individuals, and they are responsible for administering and maintaining user accounts within EDA. Usually, a primary and alternate EDA POC is appointed.

NOT ALL users become EDA POCs. EDA POCs are assigned by the Command/Service/Agency or Company.

Statement of Accountability:EDA POCs are accountable to and responsible for the community of users they authorize for EDA access.

Note:EB POC equates to EDA POC.

CDR POC:Authority to help manage and/or resolve CDRs. Assignee to resolve CDRs if required.

Must have the Contracts and CDR roles to obtain CDR POC capability.

EDA POCs assign CDR POCs to CDR Organizations/offices for contract deficiency resolution.

Who is granted this role:EDA POCs, Contract officers, managers, supervisors.

Audit Reports:EDA Usage metrics within C/S/A (Command/Service/Agency).

Who is granted this role:Managers and/or EDA POCs with "assigned" authority.

DFAS AAI Admin:DFAS AAI Administrator is a Special Role designed specifically for DFAS

Upload/Inactive Contracts:Authority to perform Manual Contract Document Upload capability.

Also provides capability to Inactivate and Replace existing contract documents.

Note:EDA POC must have the Upload/Inactivate Contract role in order to grant the role to another user.

Note:User must have the Contracts role to obtain upload/inactivate capability.

Note:User must provide specific DoDAAC(s) for authority to upload.

Note:Indicate Upload/Inactivate role and supplied DoDAAC(s).

Who is granted this role:Contract Officers, Contract Specialists, etc.

Upload Attachment/Admin Docs:EDA offers Contract Attachment Upload and Admin Document Upload capabilities to handle storage and retrieval of supporting contract documents and/or contract attachments.

EDA provides authorized users the capability to upload attachments to a specific contract document (the Base, a Contract Modification, a Delivery Order or Task Order).

To obtain Contract Attachment capability, must register for the Upload Attachments/Admin Docs role.

Authorized users with the special Upload Attachments/Admin Docs role (restricted by DoDAAC) have the capability to upload admin documents to a specific contract.

This role is a special role (restricted by DoDAAC) in EDA and requires EDA POC approval and authorization.

Contract Load Notification DoDAACs:Point of Contact for the EDA PMO and the EDA Help Desk.