Overview of IUID Contractor User Roles

IUID Contractor User Roles

IUID includes the following Contractor User Roles:

1. IUID Contractor Role
2. IUID General Purpose API Role
3. IUID Common Access API Role


Registered contractors have access to data for new items produced under contracts assigned to their CAGE and DUNS based on the Acquisition Prime Contractor Identifier. They also have access to items actively in their custody as government furnished property (GFP) based on the GFP Prime Contract Identifier. In addition, contractors have access to all Correction, Update, Queries, and Reports pages for any UID that they originally entered via user ID. If a contractor has custody of GFP items whose Acquisition Prime Contractor Identifier identifies a different contractor, then the custodial contractor has access to all data entered by them as well as the following descriptive data:

Pedigree data minus Acquisition Cost
Custody data for which they are the prime
Active Mark data
Part Number changes minus Acquisition Value
Active Parent/Child data

The Contractor uses IUID to:

  1. Input, update, correct and query item data that is associated with their Prime Contract Identifier or Custody Contract.
  2. Correct, update, and query any UII that they originally entered via user ID and any record of which they have custody through a DoDAAC related to the user’s CAGE or DUNS.

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General Purpose API

This access allows users to create a system interface with the IUID Registry which will allow them to query all data.

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Common Access API

This access allows users to create a system to system interface with the IUID Registry which will allow them to query specific data in the IUID Registry (verification, validation, retrieval).

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